Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rocks, bears and music

Another busy day in Colorado! After letting everyone sleep in a bit, we hurried out of the house and headed for our museum of nature and science. Our first stop was the excellent gem and mineral section. Mining is a very important part of our state and the gem and mineral exhibit is not surprisingly one of the best. From aragonite to zinc, we saw a lot of minerals. We next headed for the animal exhibits where Elena learned a little more about the animals she saw yesterday, as well as other unique North American animals. We had great fun teaching Elena how to pronounce the word "bear" in English! Other stops at the museum included the Native American exhibit, space science as well as an interactive health exhibit. With our minds full of knowledge we left for Washington Park and another of Allison's concerts. We sat under umbrellas while Allison played in the rain. We felt she deserved a special dinner after sitting in the rain for an hour, so we decided to eat dinner at one of our favorite Japanese teppanyaki restaurant. It was a new experience for Elena and we think she really enjoyed it despite being too shy to try and catch food from the chef!

Our first stop

Interesting mineral

Our state mineral

Lot's of gold

Mule deer

It's a bear!


Plains Indians

Playing with the thermal camera

Allison's the one with sunglasses

Elena very interested in our chef

Onion volcano

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